IBM defines Industry 4.0 as the ‘Realisation of digital transformation, delivering real-time decision making, enhanced productivity, flexibility and agility to revolutionise the way companies manufacture, improve and distribute their products’.

Brett Thirup, managing director of SSI Schaefer ANZ, is quick to expand on the definition.

“The key phrase for intralogistics is ‘smart logistics’,” says Thirup. “Customers now want to be able to access inventories from anywhere and at any time, and also obtain availability and system information readily,” says Thirup, citing IBM’s website.

Thirup points to German-based trade magazine Logistik heute’s summation: “Data has to be exchanged between different companies throughout the entire value chain. Companies offering closed systems for intralogistics will face problems because they increase the difficulty of, or even prevent, this type of data exchange.”

Standardised and accessible systems are essential in the age of Industry 4.0, adds Thirup.

“A flexible and scalable WMS (warehouse management system) such as WAMAS from SSI Schaefer, ensures an efficient flow of goods and optimised device utilisation within automated warehouse areas,” he says.

“With our standardised software solutions, all logistical processes and functions of your warehouse can be planned, controlled, and optimised professionally. We offer you exactly the right modules to fit the specific requirements for the operation of your warehouse. And because we always keep your entire company in mind, our systems can also be seamlessly integrated into the higher-level system landscape.”


Big data and its critical role in intralogistics, lives up to its name says Thirup, given the vast amounts generated by sensors integrated into machines and systems.

Sven Göhring, technical director at one of SSI Schaefer’s customers in Germany, KNV Logistik GmbH, points out what is critical: “The key lies in finding and monitoring the useful data within this flood of information. Which data is important, and which do I need?”

Providing all of the key data in real time is a defining aspect of Industry 4.0. Often, systems are unable to talk to each other; and a reason why open interfaces are so essential.

Most feel that without continuous and comprehensive communication among machines and humans, intralogistics will be unable to benefit fully from the fourth industrial revolution.

“At SSI Schaefer, this approach extends from monitoring and control functions to the complete coverage of logistics requirements and optimal integration into intralogistics and business processes and systems. “It links individual application components to form a coherent overall system, while providing and analysing logistics KPIs.”



Logistics companies that continue to cling to a rigid and relatively one-dimensional approach to storage and shipping will face major difficulties with remaining competitive explains Thirup. The question for logistics companies is which steps are necessary to keep pace with the developments.

“The key is partnership and customisation; you can’t settle for a one-size-fits all solution. You need a partner which will listen, learn and understand your businesses, to offer a solution that will meet your needs and objectives both today and well into the future,” adds Thirup.

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